Teen Scene

RSS Teen Scene

  • Buddy Gene Trivia Night February 15, 2025
    Do you love Trivia?
  • My Shorts, Quips and Nonsense…  Part II   February 15, 2025
       Glass Half Full. I woke up this morning with my glass half full, Happy, excited and ready to go, I looked for good news, but couldn’t find any, And the rest of the day was a glass half empty!                                       ...
    Dan Neizmik, Contributing Writer

Artist Call Arts & Parts Runway Challenge

We are excited to announce the 2nd annual Arts & Parts Fashion & Costume Runway Contest. Recycled fashions must be made of at least 75% recycled or reused materials that otherwise would be thrown away or recycled. Vintage clothes on their own will not be accepted. Complete outfits are recommended. Only one prize per designer.

There are two opportunities to participate:

  1. For Adult/Senior entries and show will be at our 2nd Annual Solstice by the SEA Festival June 18, 2022, at Middleton Park on Oak Island, NC. Entry fee $25. Register to enter using the online form below. show will be “Runway show” style feel in daylight on an outdoor stage. It will be covered and in the shade. Contestants are encouraged to strut their recycled stuff on stage at our Solstice by the SEA Festival June 18, 2022. Prizes- Adult $150 1st place, 2nd Ribbon, 3rd Ribbon. Senior $100 1st place, 2nd Place Ribbon, 3rd Place Ribbon. Fascinator Hat $100 1st Place, 2nd Place Ribbon, 3rd Place Ribbon. $50 for  “People’s Choice. “ You may design a: 1) complete outfit  or 2)  fascinator hat by itself. Entries may be limited or capped. Accepted entries will be notified and will receive one (1) “Artist Pass” to allow them to participate in the event. You must model and wear your entry on the runway.  Family & friends must purchase an event ticket to view runway portion of the evening. Please note that BAC employees and Board members may submit an entry, but are not eligible to win cash prizes. All awards will be determined by an outside judge.
  1. Youth entries show will be at our 2nd Annual Solstice by the SEA Festival June 18, 2022, at Middleton Park on Oak Island, NC.     FREE Entry. Must register in advance using  online entry form below.  The youth runway show will be “Runway show” style feel in daylight on an outdoor stage. It will be covered and in the shade. Contestants are encouraged to strut their recycled stuff on stage at our Solstice by the SEA Festival June 18, 2022. Entry is Free. 1st Place Ribbon, 2nd Place Ribbon, 3rd Place Ribbon. Please note that children & relatives of BAC employees and Board members may submit an entry, but are not eligible to win cash prizes. All awards will be determined by an outside judge.

We hope to display the outfits from both events Fashion Show online and our BAC YouTube channel so folks that missed the show can still see your works of art.

For creative up-cyclers and recyclers of all ages! Tape, trash bags, Styrofoam, paper….the list of materials is limited only by your imagination.

Look online and get inspired! Look in the recycling bin, or junk drawer and see what you can find to turn into an outfit. Eco style & Fashion – go traditional or go runway wild!

Show us what you can make!

Entries may be limited or capped.  See for info....read more

Link to Application

Link to Entry fee

Save -A- Vet News & Events

Hello Local Artists,

On November 6th, Save A Vet Now, a local non-profit dedicated to veteran suicide awareness and prevention, will hold its Artwork Can Save A Vet Fundraiser to benefit its Veterans Outreach Program administered by Wilmington’s Coastal Horizons. One hundred percent of the proceeds are earmarked specifically for the treatment of local veterans with suicide ideation.

The event will spotlight artwork produced by local veterans, but the main idea is to feature local artists wishing to donate a piece of their own artwork to this worthy cause. Marketing will center on the theme of Local Artists Helping Local Veterans.  Sales will be made by silent auction, with a minimum starting bid set at 80 percent of retail value and with appropriate minimum increments.

If you are willing, please provide artwork of any size which is reflective of your best effort. Contributions should be in a state comparable to retail sales.  Paintings must be originals and suitably framed.  Please provide your name and contact info, your company if applicable, a description of your donation, and the suggested retail price for your contribution. Save A Vet Now will recognize your donation in letter form which you can use for tax purposes.

  • Save A Vet Now will accept donated artwork from 1:00PM to 4:00PM on September 25, 2021 at Inspirations Dance Centre at 91 W Boiling Springs Road, Southport NC 28461.

Please check back for more artwork collection sites to be announced.


The NEA Big Read Cape Fear

Thank you for your interest in The Big READ: Cape Fear.
Brunswick Arts Council is pleased to be the partner in this brand new project with 3 counties working together under an NEA Grant. Each year we will select a new book for the Big READ.
We are pleased to have as many Brunswick County resident who would like to participate.
The project  takes place from October 2021 to April 2022.
The House on Mango Street is the selected as the book.  FYI we are distributing 20 copies to each  of the 5 Brunswick County Libraries.  In addition other copies are being given to Senior Centers and for homeschool participants.  A total of 200 books will be given across  Brunswick County by BAC.
BAC will give:
- 5 books to each BCSD Middle School Library
- 4 tickets to each BCSD Middle School for the Meet the Author zoom Event on November 4 at Kenan Auditorium UNCW
- April 9 activity in Wilmington TBA
Action To Do:
After reading the book and if any teachers wish to incorporate this book into their curriculum…
1) Your school library can host a book discussion
2) We ask that your students create an original work  of art that “Interprets their community”
They may choose any desired Art form (visual, 3D, performance, writing/poetry, textile, dance, music).
These works can be showcased by Brunswick Arts Council in the spring 2022.
For art project completion submission to your library -March 31,2022
BAC will work with you to collect works & display into the community.
Please track the number of students who read & participate and provide to BAC.
Thank you for participating with Brunswick Arts Council and the first annual The Big READ:Cape Fear.
If there is a related activity you wish to suggest- by all means… we’d love to hear about it! This is a fluid, community project.


Spark the Arts Luncheon & Roundtable November 5th, 2021

Come Network with us- artists, businesses, galleries, teachers, arts-supporters, community & tourism groups and more are welcome!

Spark the Arts is an awareness campaign designed to inspire public participation in the arts across North Carolina by highlighting the unique way the arts lift spirits, bring people together, and heal.

Our goal is to ignite the resurgence of North Carolina’s arts sector from the pandemic by connecting residents and visitors to arts experiences and arts stories across our state.

Come get together with your fellow arts community and businesses at Leland Cultural Arts Center 1212 Magnolia Village Way, Leland, NC 28451  Let's begin to find out how we are each Sparking the arts in the ebb and flow of the Pandemic.  All  materials and lunch will be provided, $25 registration fee. Veterans are free.

Questions or to register, contact Mary Beth Livers at execdir.brunswickartscouncil@gmail.com

NC Arts Council Spark the Arts Website

NC Arts Council Resources for Local Arts Council's