BAC Grassroots Grant Deadline Aug 31, 2020
The Brunswick Arts Council is now accepting applications for NC Arts Council Grassroots Arts Program subgrants through August 31, 2020. Funding priority is given to qualified arts organizations, groups, arts in education programs conducted by qualified artists, and other Brunswick community organizations that provide arts programming.
Please note that we have extended the submission due date from previous 8/14/20 to 8/31/20 due to the recent impact of Hurricane Isaias in our communities.
Since 1977, the North Carolina Arts Council’s Grassroots Arts Program has provided North Carolina citizens access to quality arts experiences. Using a per capita based formula, the program provides funding for the arts in all 100 counties of the state through partnerships with local arts councils. The Brunswick Arts Council is the NC Arts Council’s Designated County Partner and is supported by Brunswick County.
We are aware of the challenges posed by the pandemic and encourage arts organizations to apply even if you’re unsure of your programming plans through June 15, 2021.
Returning and new applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Mary Beth Livers, at BAC execdir.brunswickartscouncil@gmail.com or 910.899.8407 or 919.448.1016 cell/text to discuss project’s & eligibility.
Application is available online at www.bruswickartscouncil.org.
How to Submit Your Application
The complete application must be sent by USPS to BAC Grassroots, P.O.Box 6275 Ocean Isle Beach NC 28469. Additionally, a digital copy of the application and attachments must be emailed to Execdir.brunswickartscouncil@gmail.com by August 31,2020 with the subject line BAC Grassroots 2020-2021.

Open to 8 people, this workshop will adhere to social distancing, masks will be available. Lunch will be provided. Shallotte Senior Resource Center, 3620 Express Drive, Shallotte. 10 AM- 3 PM. $25 BAC members/$40 for non-members.Register on FB by reply to hold space or call/text Mary Beth at 910.448.1016 or email execdir.brunswickartscouncil@gmail.com.

Call for Artists for submission of entries to 20th Annual BAC Fall Art Show. Completed prospectus/applications are due September 19, 2020.
The show will take place at Sunset River Marketplace in Calabash, October 12 – 19, 2020. We are pleased to announce this year’s judge is Phil Meade. Click here for the prospectus: 2020 BAC Show prospectus

Nancy Turner & Gaeten Lowrie – artists behind the first community Paint By Numbers “Sea Treasures Mural” in Holden Beach. Help us next year on March 13, 2021 for the next mural at Holden Beach. What do you want in your community? Let the Arts Council know!
Art Business: “The Art of Gaeten”
Facebook: facebook.com/TheArtOfGaeten
Instagram: instagram.com/TheArtOfGaeten
Store: Mkt.com/gaeten

Stitchin’ the Nights Away!
Many fabric artists in Brunswick County are making masks for medical & community staff. Over 5,000 have been made and delivered across our county and state since April.
More than 25 volunteers have been helping to cut, sew all sizes and types of masks, children, adult, even lip-reading masks with panels. We have been working with Cape Fear Covid Masks and Smiling While Sending Hope projects to help fill the different requests.
School is starting. If you need free masks for your children (4 sizes: ages 2-4 yrs and 5-9 yrs and young adult and adult) or for your public service job, just reach out and ask. Thank you to Michelle Johann for the great photo!
Contact us at:
execdir.brunswickartscouncil@gmail.com and we will arrange to deliver.
Many artists are using the social distancing time to be creative – what are you doing? Making masks for medical staff? Live streaming your concerts? Teaching an art lesson on YouTube? Reading short stories & poems? Share your work with us at Brunswick Arts Council…submit links to: execdir.brunswickartscouncil@gmail.com and we will post on our website & FB.

Contact the BAC:
For general information or inquiries, contact us at execdir.brunswickartscouncil@gmail.com
To contact us with news releases, articles, calendar entries, or other items of interest, please send emails to execdir.brunswickartscouncil@gmail.com
The Brunswick Arts Council founded in 1981, is a non-profit 501C(3), council with an all-volunteer board of directors. Its stated mission is to inspire and promote appreciation, education and support for a broad range of arts and cultural interests for the benefit of Brunswick County’s artists and art related organizations, students and the community.
For more information, go to brunswickartscouncil.org .