Golden Pineapple Winner
President Dana King accepting the "Golden Pineapple Award" from Southport- Oak Island Chamber Executive Vice President Karen Sphar, August 18th, 2021. See the news here: Pineapple Award
To nominate us for another Pineapple Award see this link: Pineapple Nomination
ART CONTEST: Brunswick County encourages youth to imagine their neighborhood in 2040
Brunswick County students heard our call. See the results of the Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Art Contest. LINK: Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Youth Art Contest Winners - Final
Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Youth Art Contest Winners
In February of 2021 Brunswick County announced the Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Art Contest to invite the youth to help shape the County’s vision for the future! Through the support of Brunswick County Schools and a partnership with the Brunswick Arts County the Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Art was created to raise awareness and increase community engagement for the Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Project in a fun interactive way! The Contest invited the youth of Brunswick County to contribute to a significant County-wide planning process by helping shape the vision of the future.
The contest was open to students in grades K-12 or those homeschooled from ages 5 to 17 and invited schools from around the County to participate including Brunswick County Schools, homeschools, as well as charter and private schools. Participants were asked to show their vision of Brunswick County’s future using mediums such as acrylic paint, watercolors, tempera paint, colored pencils, markers, and crayons with a submission deadline of March 31st.
Entries were separated into 4 grade level categories: grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards were given in each category with $100 checks from the Brunswick Arts Council for the schools with the most submissions. Waccamaw School submitted the most submissions in the K-2 and 3-5 grade categories and tied with Leland Middle School in the 6-8 category. North Brunswick High School had the most submissions in the 9-12 grade category.
Local artists and members of the Planning and Parks and Recreation Departments judged the submissions and decided the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners within each category. In addition, the Planning Department and Parks and Recreation Department each picked their favorite. Contest winners were announced May 4th. Prizes for winners include gift cards, art supplies, and a framed award.
The Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Youth Art Contest increased participation and engagement with the Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Plan as well as promoted the arts in Brunswick County. Be sure to look for the winning artwork on June 19th, 2021 at the Brunswick Arts Council’s Solstice by the Sea Festival at Middleton Park in Oak Island as well as in the upcoming Brunswick County Future Land Use Plan and Parks and Recreation Master Plan! To have a look at the contest winners click the link below!
The art contest was organized through a partnership between Brunswick County and the Brunswick
Arts Council.
LINK: Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Youth Art Contest Winners - Final
Brunswick Arts Council Announces $31,401.00 in Grassroots Grant Awards for Brunswick County
The Brunswick Arts Council is pleased to announce $31,401.00 in awards to Brunswick County arts organizations and businesses through the North Carolina Arts Council’s Grassroots grants. The North Carolina Arts Council awarded Brunswick Arts Council $36,440.00 for the FY 2020-21 Grassroots Grants Program. Brunswick Arts Council received 12 applications for BAC Grassroots Grants across Brunswick County which totaled over $41,382.00.
A total of twelve (12) arts and cultural organizations, and arts groups are receiving grant awards from this program in partnership with North Carolina Arts Council. Many of our arts groups and activities have been dealing creatively with providing arts activities within a Pandemic environment - whether they live stream, work outside – they are finding other ways to keep the arts moving forward.
The $31,401.00 is being distributed among the following recipients and their arts activities:
Associated Artists of Southport: Kids Day in the Park 2021 & Spring Art Show at Franklin Square
Brunswick Bands, Inc.: Ongoing musical outreach and performances in 2021
Brunswick Little Theatre: Support of theatrical youth production in 2021
Countywide Community Development Corp: Creative Arts projects in six communities across Brunswick County
NC Rice Festival: 2021 film support in creation of Gullah Geechee lifeways & food series
Oak Island Parks & Recreation Department: 2021 arts youth camp and performances
Teen Scene/Cape Fear View: For ongoing production of this literary monthly publication featuring original works of print and art by local residents, including a Teen insert
Town of Leland- Leland Cultural Arts Center: Spring 2021 Scrap Assemblage Art Workshop & Exhibit Program
Turning the Wheel: 2021 Caravan and Movement Programs in Brunswick County
Up Your Arts: Gullah Geechee Heritage Performance during the Plein Art Festival 2021
Waterway Arts Association: 2021 Spring Visual Art Show at Sunset River Marketplace Calabash
We are grateful to the support of our legislators and governing representatives who assisted in helping these funds become available. We are especially grateful to all our Brunswick residents and visitors who despite this Pandemic have found ways to support their local arts communities. Feed an Artist this Christmas Season - we encourage you to buy a product, gift, or service from the arts industry within Brunswick County.
For questions or more information, contact Mary Beth at Brunswick Arts Council at 910.899.8407 or 910.448.1016 or email
About the Brunswick Arts Council
The mission of Brunswick Arts Council (BAC) is to support, sustain, enhance, and cultivate the arts in Brunswick County making cultural events, arts education, and appreciation of the arts available to the diverse range of county residents. Formed in 1981, BAC is the designated community partner with NC Arts Council, helping to subgrant more than $800,000 in Grassroots grants into Brunswick arts organization, and programs across the county. Additionally, we partner with other agencies, including Brunswick County to provide other programs, events, awards, grants, project development and additional support to organizations and artists living and working in the county.
About the North Carolina Arts Council
The North Carolina Arts Council builds on our state’s longstanding love of the arts, leading the way to a more vibrant future. The Arts Council is an economic catalyst, fueling a thriving nonprofit creative sector that generates $2.12 billion in annual direct economic activity. The Arts Council also sustains diverse arts expression and traditions while investing in innovative approaches to art-making. The North Carolina Arts Council has proven to be a champion for youth by cultivating tomorrow’s creative citizens through arts education.
Brunswick Arts Council Announces Reimbursement Awards For North Carolina Cares for the Arts Grants
Brunswick Arts Council is pleased to announce $163,737.36 in awards to Brunswick County arts organizations and businesses through the North Carolina CARES for Arts grants.
The North Carolina General Assembly designated $9.4 million federal CARES Act funds for arts councils and arts organizations to mitigate business disruptions caused by COVID-19. The North Carolina Arts Council has distributed these funds on a per-capita basis to all North Carolina counties with a population of less than one million people. Brunswick Art’s Council applied for and received the per-capita distribution of $163,737.36 from North Carolina Arts Council. Brunswick Arts Council received applications for NC CARES reimbursements from across Brunswick County which totaled over $412,949.00.
A total of twenty-three (23) are receiving reimbursement awards from North Carolina CARES for Arts grant to offset business disruption and/or expenses incurred due to COVID-19 between March 1, 2020, and December 30, 2020.
The $163,737.36 is being distributed among the following recipients:
AMUZU, Art League of Leland, Associated Artists of Southport, Beach Haven Designs, Brunswick Arts Council, Brunswick Bands, Inc., Brunswick Little Theatre, Cedar Grove Improvement Association, Countywide Community Development Corp, Dave DeGroat Woodcarving, Doe Creek Art Gallery, Driftwood Custom Designs, Inspirations Dance Centre, Kalypsos Kreations, Listen Up Brunswick County, NC Rice Festival, Oak Island Art Guild, Pescado y Amor, Stepping Up For Arts, Sunset River Marketplace, Teen Scene/Cape Fear View, The Artisans Gallery at Southport and Up Your Arts.
We are grateful to the support of our legislators and governing representatives who assisted in helping these funds become available. We are especially grateful to all our Brunswick residents and visitors who despite this Pandemic have found ways to support their local arts communities. Feed an Artist this Christmas Season - we encourage you to buy a product, gift, or service from the arts industry within Brunswick County.
About the Brunswick Arts Council
The mission of Brunswick Arts Council (BAC) is to support, sustain, enhance, and cultivate the arts in Brunswick County making cultural events, arts education, and appreciation of the arts available to the diverse range of county residents. Formed in 1981, BAC is the designated community partner with NC Arts Council, helping to subgrant more than $800,000 in Grassroots grants into Brunswick arts organization, and programs across the county. Additionally, we partner with other agencies, including Brunswick County to provide other programs, events, awards, grants, project development and additional support to organizations and artists living and working in the county.
About the North Carolina Arts Council
The North Carolina Arts Council builds on our state’s longstanding love of the arts, leading the way to a more vibrant future. The Arts Council is an economic catalyst, fueling a thriving nonprofit creative sector that generates $2.12 billion in annual direct economic activity. The Arts Council also sustains diverse arts expression and traditions while investing in innovative approaches to art-making. The North Carolina Arts Council has proven to be a champion for youth by cultivating tomorrow’s creative citizens through arts education.
3rd Annual Artisan Holiday Market at Mayfaire (Call for NC Artists)
Call for Artists (North Carolina Only)
We are happy to announce our third annual holiday market at Mayfaire. The application process is now open.
The market will be open 7 days a week from November 1st -December 27th
This event is sponsored by Going Local, if you are not familiar with us, check us out on FB and Insta Going Local NC
We are offering 4 size spaces.
Pricing is for the whole two months
Mini: 2 ft wall/cabinet size space $200 plus %15 of sales
Typical: 3ft wall/cabinet size space $300 plus 15% of sales
Midsize 4 ft wall/cabinet size space
$400 plus 15% of sales
Large a 6ft wall/cabinet size space
$600 plus 15% of sales
Going Local is sponsoring this event. We provide the venue, staff, gift wrapping, collect sales tax, utilities, marketing, and a centralized checkout. Your job is to bring the art and display. We also have a sophisticated point of sales system that tracts each individuals’ sales by an assigned vendor number and we have a cloud-based app where each vendor can track their sales daily. We pay thru direct deposit and each vendor will receive an emailed report detailing all of their sales.
Submit of few pics of your work, if you have a website please send a link. Let us know what size space you are applying for. You must be the maker of your work, your art printed on items: cards, prints, bags… is allowed.
All style of arts and crafts will be considered. This is a juried event, Follow this link to apply:
Any questions please send to the email address
Lets end 2020 with a bang! It has been a tough year for artisans, shows cancelled, festivals cancelled, we are a strong community and lets rock this!
For Immediate Release: Brunswick Arts Council Accepting Applications for North Carolina Cares for Arts Grants
Brunswick Arts Council is now accepting applications for North Carolina CARES for Arts grants through November 9, 2020.
The North Carolina General Assembly designated $9.4 million federal CARES Act funds for arts councils and arts organizations to mitigate business disruptions caused by COVID-19. The North Carolina Arts Council will distribute these funds on a per-capita basis to all North Carolina counties with a population of less than one million people. In many counties, local arts councils will receive the funds and then sub-grant a portion of the county allotment to eligible recipients.
Arts and cultural organizations, arts groups and businesses, and/or individual artists are eligable to apply for a North Carolina CARES for Arts grant to offset business disruption and/or expenses incurred due to COVID-19 between March 1, 2020, and December 30, 2020. The following expenses can be considered: paid salaries and benefits (including contractors), on-going operating expenses, costs associated with canceling programs and creating virtual programs, and COVID-related safety and cleaning measures. Applicants must provide documentation as evidence for expenses. Documents such as receipts, bill/invoices, monthly financial statements, and payroll ledgers will be considered.
Revenue losses are not considered for mitigation in this grant program. North Carolina CARES for Arts funding cannot reimburse expenses already paid for by other federal relief funds such as PPP loans, direct grants from the NEA, and stimulus grants issued by the North Carolina Arts Council.
Application forms and grant guidelines are available on the Brunswick Arts Council website at Applications must be received no later than November 9, 2020. For questions or more information, contact Mary Beth at Brunswick Arts Council at 910.899.8407 or 910.448.1016 or email
About the Brunswick Arts Council
The mission of Brunswick Arts Council (BAC) is to support, sustain, enhance and cultivate the arts in Brunswick County making cultural events, arts education and appreciation of the arts available to the diverse range of county residents. Formed in 1981, BAC is the designated community partner with NC Arts Council, helping to subgrant more than $800,000 in Grassroots grants into Brunswick arts organization, and programs across the county. Additionally, we partner with other agencies, including Brunswick County to provide other programs, events, awards, grants, project development and additional support to organizations and artists living and working in the county.
About the North Carolina Arts Council
The North Carolina Arts Council builds on our state’s longstanding love of the arts, leading the way to a more vibrant future. The Arts Council is an economic catalyst, fueling a thriving nonprofit creative sector that generates $2.12 billion in annual direct economic activity. The Arts Council also sustains diverse arts expression and traditions while investing in innovative approaches to art-making. The North Carolina Arts Council has proven to be a champion for youth by cultivating tomorrow’s creative citizens through arts education.
20th Annual BAC Fall Art Show
We are pleased to showcase the creativity of our local Brunswick County Artists at the 20th Annual BAC Fall Art Show. Come see the two and three dimensional works - many of which are for sale. Support your neighbors, family and friends by coming to view their original artworks. Thank you to Phil Meade for his phenomenal judging skills at this year's event.
The Show will be held at Sunset River Marketplace in Calabash, so plan time to browse around and see all the additional works of arts & crafts by all of the artists in the Gallery. Don't miss Richard Staat's work as the featured artist for the month of October. The Gallery hours are Monday through Saturday 11 AM to 5 PM.
Exhibition Dates are:
Monday October 12 through Saturday, October 17, 2020
Due to Covid19, we will not be having an evening reception this year - however the Awards will be presented to the winners on Thursday, October 15, 2020, 4 to 5 PM.
For more information about other volunteer opportunities for the Fall Art Show, contact, Chairperson JoAnn Staat at
Brunswick Arts Council is seeking volunteers to help with our 20th Annual Art Show. We are seeking Gallery Sitters. Gallery Sitters are able to sit for 2.5 hours, to help greet visitors, provide information and help with sale of arts show works. Dates we are looking for volunteers are: October 13 Noon-3 pm; October 15, 3-5 pm and Oct 17, 10 am-12:30 pm. The Show will be held at Sunset River Marketplace in Calabash.
To volunteer call/text Mary Beth at 910.448.1016 or email
For more information about other volunteer opportunities for the Fall Art Show, contact, Chairperson JoAnn Staat at
Meet the Mural Artists
Gaeten Lowrie:
Gaeten Lowrie is a visual artist based in Wilmington, NC, USA. He is most known for his signature pen & ink style, which is often compared to stained glass because of its highly-saturated jewel tones. Artist Gaeten Lowrie’s murals perfectly depict the positive vibes in Leland’s new Eternal Sunshine Café and LunaBelle Gift Shop and Gallery. For a complete interview see:
Nancy Turner:
Nancy Turner lives in Southport, North Carolina where she creates art and teaches it. She is originally from Massachusetts but has been a North Carolina resident for twenty years now. Nancy is a visual artist who paints with acrylics, oils, watercolors, and her favorite; alcohol inks. She also creates and sells Resin art, such as coasters and lazy Susan’s. Her favorite piece of art that she has created is the image below of the ship on glass with the alcohol inks.
How did you get into art initially?
“In school I did mostly charcoal portraits, but life and work took over. Ironically, at 65 I attended a paint and sip party aboard a cruise ship in Hawaii. I fell in love with painting again and came home and started creating.”
How has your art changed over time?
“My art has dramatically changed, from classes, to practice, practice, practice. I usually paint everyday. I’ve explored all mediums; even making jewelry with alcohol inks.”
Have you always wanted to create art?
“Yes, and I can’t wait to start on the wall mural in Holden Beach.”
Who inspires you the most?
“Certainly the obvious ones; Van Gogh, Manet, etcetera, but I’ve also learned a lot from painters such as Bob Ross and Leonid Afremov.” Nancy also credits some of her inspiration to the Alcohol Ink Society’s talented artists and teachers, who give her monthly challenges to expand her comfort zone.
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they like it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” – Andy Warhol